Administrative and Financial System Investment Thresholds

Proposed agency investments that meet the minimum thresholds listed below must receive formal, written approval before beginning any administrative or financial solution modification, development, or acquisition. The Level of Effort is the sum total of person-hours expected to complete the work and applies to internal and external resources. The Hardware/Software Cost is the sum total of acquisition or ongoing costs related to software or hardware, licenses, maintenance and support, or other similar costs. The thresholds are separated by the core business functions of the system or solution. The combined level of effort and cost thresholds for each business process category may be updated based on availability of enterprise solution functionality and ongoing modernization initiatives.

Business Capability Business Function If Level of Effort Exceeds: Or If Hardware/Software Costs Exceed:
Finance Accounting
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
GL Reconciliation
Cash Flows
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $0
Asset Management 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $0
Grants Management 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Management Accounting Cost Accounting
Cost Estimate
Cost Management
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $0
Budgeting Budgetary Control
Performance Budgeting
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Human Resources Appointment Change
Job Application
Job Classification
Succession Planning
Telework/Flex Work
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Payroll 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Time and Attendance
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Benefits Management
Diversity Management
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Travel Management 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Strategic Workforce Planning
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Procurement Purchasing
Vendor Management
168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Enterprise Risk Management 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000
Performance Audit 168 hours
(1 person months)
<> $10,000

Last updated: August 20, 2021