Policies and Standards


An ad hoc or standing group of subject matter experts who support the development and maintenance of policies, standards and/or guidelines.

Sunset Review

A mandatory periodic review of a technical policy and standard that:

Determines the continued need for the policy or standard, and
Evaluates the full content of the policy or standard for accuracy, clarity and completeness.

Sunset reviews may occur ahead of the published sunset review date if needed. Policies and standards do not expire when a sunset review date is reached.  


A technology policy outlines what needs to be accomplished or achieved and the roles and responsibilities of the various entities.

Information Technology

Per RCW 43.105.020, "Information technology" includes, but is not limited to, all electronic technology systems and services, automated information handling, system design and analysis, conversion of data, computer programming, information storage and retrieval, telecommunications, requisite system controls, simulation, electronic commerce, radio technologies, and all related interactions between people and machines.

End of Support

The latest date a manufacturer will provide security patches.  Some manufacturers have an end of mainstream support date and an extended end-of support date.  In these cases, after the end of mainstream support, no additional software feature/function enhancements or fixes are issued but security patches are until the end of extended support.  The recommended best practice is to migrate before end of mainstream support.