Technology Business Management

Web Infrastructure

Web Infrastructure includes equipment/services to support delivery of services over the Internet or similar networks. These include supporting: Network Services which consists of protocols defining the format and structure of data and information either accessed from a directory or exchanged through communications; Service Transport which consists of protocols defining the format and structure of data and information either accessed from a directory or exchanged through communications.

Threat and Vulnerability Management

Threat and Vulnerability Management involves all functions pertaining to the protection of federal information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruptions, modification, or destruction, as well as the creation and implementation of security policies, procedures and controls. It includes all risk and controls tracking for IT systems.

Technology Business Management

A set of best practices for running IT like a business - and more importantly for effectively and consistently (using a data-driven agreed upon framework) communicating not just the cost of IT, but also attributing that cost to business services. Key to TBM is the ability of IT and business leaders to have data-driven discussions about cost and value of IT to best support business goals.

TBM Project

This term, as used in TBM policy and accompanying standards is defined per our current TBM product. A ‘project’ is a discrete area within the product in which datasets, models, metrics and reports reside; these are configured according to specific business rules defined by the project administrator. Agency-specific projects allow for greater reporting accuracy than the multi-agency project, which allows less granularity and customization of business rules.