Portfolio Management

Technology Business Management

A set of best practices for running IT like a business - and more importantly for effectively and consistently (using a data-driven agreed upon framework) communicating not just the cost of IT, but also attributing that cost to business services. Key to TBM is the ability of IT and business leaders to have data-driven discussions about cost and value of IT to best support business goals.

Supporting Organization(s) Processes

For the purpose of go live readiness, supporting organizations include the agency(s) and any vendor(s) who are involved in operations and support of the ongoing system/investment. Processes include any unique to the time immediately after go-live as well as those on-going processes required to effectively operate and maintain the system/investment once it is implemented into production.

IT Expenditures

Within the TBM Program, the source financial information used for identifying IT expenditures is from the statewide Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) and based on these components:

New IT acquisitions (coded in AFRS as Project Type X)
IT maintenance and operations (coded in AFRS as Project Type Y)
Data processing services (AFRS Sub-Object EL)

Independent Project Quality Assurance

The work of one or more professionals responsible for monitoring and assessing the health and effectiveness of project management plans and processes as well as an overall assessment of a projects's short and longer term risks.  To preserve independence, the QA provider(s) report outside the project management organizational structure, generally to the project's Executive Sponsor and the State CIO.