Information Technology (IT) Assets

The processes, procedures, systems, IT infrastructure, data, and communication capabilities that allow each agency to manage, store, and share information in pursuit of its business mission, including but not limited to:

All data typically associated with IT systems regardless of source (agency, partner, customer, citizen, etc.). 
All data typically associated with IT systems regardless of the medium on which it resides (disc, tape, flash drive, cell phone, personal digital assistant, etc.).
End-user authentication systems.
Hardware (voice, video, radio transmitters and receivers, mainframes, servers, workstations, personal computers, laptops, and all end point equipment).
Software (operating systems, application software, middleware, microcode).
IT infrastructure (networks, connections, pathways, servers, wireless endpoints).
Services (data processing, telecommunications, office automation, and computerized information systems).
Telecommunications hardware, software, and networks.
Radio frequencies.
Data computing and telecommunications facilities.
Intelligent control systems such as video surveillance, HVAC, and physical security.

Portfolio Management
EA: Application Architecture
EA: Security Architecture
EA: Data Architecture
EA: Infrastructure Architecture
Technology Business Management
Disaster Recovery